Spiritual awakening is when a person gains awareness that there is more to life than living on autopilot and satisfying the ego. There are deeper layers to be explored. This process prompts existential questions like “Why am I here?”. It can be unnerving and bring up angst and concern, but it can also be exciting….
Archives for March 2023
8 Great Female Leaders in History and How They Inspire Us
While the number of female leaders around the globe has grown, they’re still in the minority. Young women looking to make their mark, as well as experienced women, are looking for role models. Get inspired by these eight female leaders in history who proved their effectiveness in creating positive transformation for their countries and the…
Contingency Plans: Why You Need One to Make Room for the Unexpected
A contingency plan is a prepared set of actions you can take if something unexpected happens. Think of it as a plan for a “what if” scenario for turbulent live events, like a shift in your finances or health. Most people go through life without a plan B, without seeing the need for planning for…
Birth Order and Relationships: Understanding the Connection and How to Use it
As an adult, you probably don’t think much about your birth order and relationships affected by it as it does not impact your everyday life. But whether you’re a firstborn, middle child, last-born, or an only child, it does play a significant role in making you who you are today. Birth order shows general tendencies…
Ikigai: What is it and How it Can Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life
Finding purpose in life is something most of us want. But asking about your purpose can seem like too lofty an aspiration. Fortunately, there are models we can use to unravel our unique purposes, one of them being Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese word that represents the passions, talents, and professions that give meaning and…