Change is an inevitable part of life, and embracing it can lead to profound transformation. The new year symbolizes a fresh start, a chance to reevaluate our path and make adjustments that align with our true desires. But to make room for new opportunities and growth, we must let go of things that hold us…
Breaking Free: How to Stop Living in the Past and Embrace a Brighter Future
Many people struggle with living in the past, preventing them from moving forward and embracing a newer, better future. Clinging to the past can negatively affect our progress, well-being, and relationships, so it’s important to find out how to untether ourselves. Learn how to break free from the chains that have held you back with…
5 Signs a Sacrifice is Worth Making
Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to attain our dreams. Finding the right give/take ratio begins with us. There is no right or wrong way—it’s personally determined. Each person has a different comfort level when it comes to how much they’re willing to sacrifice. Learn five signs that a sacrifice is worth making in your…
Hate Not Knowing? Here’s How to Deal with Uncertainty
As humans, we avoid ambiguity at all costs. Not having control on outcomes can cause us to feel uncomfortable and helpless. But not knowing about what’s in store for us is something we’ll face throughout our life and learning how to deal with these periods is crucial to our success and wellbeing. No matter how…
How to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Anything Else
A simple shift in attitude can change how you experience life, but this can be hard to do when your circumstances are challenging. The good news is that you have more power than ever to shape both your mental and physical realities through your thoughts. Learn four effective ways to help you change your attitude…
How to Manage Your Fear of the Future
Having a fear of the future has become common in our fast-changing society. Learning how to manage it is crucial to our wellbeing and success. Using these four techniques will hep you overcome any worry and doubt you have about what lies ahead of you. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Don’t shortchange the future because…
Not Getting What You Want? Do This.
Not getting what you want in life can be painful, but if we’re able to have faith and look at the situation from a higher perspective, we can work through our disappointment. Using these experiences as a source of learning will elevate us to place that we can do better and appreciate the journey of…
How to Become More Present in Your Life
We gain a sense of purpose and meaning by being more present in your life. Our experiences become enriching and vibrant when we’re in the now. We’re all capable of cultivating this deep, real-time awareness, but we get stuck in thoughts about the past or the future. Learn five mindfulness principles that can shift your…
How to Stop Worrying About Things That Don’t Really Matter
Worrying not only makes life unpleasant but it can derail us from our success. The secret to worrying less is knowing what does and doesn’t matter to us. Find out the three steps that you can take to eliminate petty concerns and stop worrying. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “You don’t have to care about…
Why the Truth Will Always Set You Free
Sometimes the reality of our life can get unpleasant and we feel tempted to ignore or deny it. This can lead to all kinds of problems, big and small. The only way to get ahead in life is to face reality head on and take action on what we know. The truth will always set…