Research reveals that adults make an average of 122 informed decisions every day. Most of them are inconsequential, but many of our decisions have severe and far-reaching consequences, which require a robust decision-making skill set. A significant part involves not making bad decisions. Learn eight causes behind why we make bad decisions and how to…
Why Spending Time Alone Makes You a Better Friend and Partner
Many people find being alone hard to endure, especially for extended periods. It can make people feel lonely and unloved. But there are many benefits from spending time alone when done in moderation and with intention. With these tips, you’ll learn how to schedule enough alone time to regroup and replenish so that you can…
Right Speech: Mastering the Art of Communication with Empathy (and why it matters)
With the rise of the internet and social media, people have become less empathic in how they communicate. Rudeness and deceptive language are common both in the online and offline world. One way to overcome this is to have a code of ethics that can keep us in check. The Buddhist teachings of Right Speech…
6 Life Lessons from Myths and Legends from Around the World
Myths and legends are stories humans have used for centuries to demonstrate human values and virtues. There is a treasure trove of ancient tales that can teach us relevant life lessons that we can still apply in our lives today. These life lessons from six beloved myths and legends will make us braver, kinder and…
How to Develop Your Creative Style and Voice
We’re all creatively gifted, just in different ways. You have a signature creative style, whether you’re an artist or an accountant. Having a style that is yours can be empowering and set you apart from everyone else. However, it does not emerge overnight and requires exploration and experimentation. These six ways will help you develop…
Victim Mentality: Why Blaming Others Holds You Back
A victim mentality is when someone claims that bad things keep happening to them more than others and differs from feeling sorry for themselves right after bad things happen. A person under the influence of a victim mentality blames someone or something else for their circumstances and refuses to take control of their life. If…
Stories We Tell Ourselves: How to Rewrite Yours So It Empowers You
As humans, we’re natural storytellers. Stories help us make sense of the world and organize experiences. We also tell ourselves stories about our lives, building narratives about the past and the present while imagining how it might all unfold in the future. Whether true or false, our stories significantly impact how we feel about ourselves…
Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation: Why Knowing the Difference Matters
Cultural appropriation or misappropriation happens when a person from one culture adopts something from a cultural group that is not theirs. This contrasts with cultural appreciation, when they respect the symbolism and artifacts of the original culture. You can avoid mixing up the two by learning the difference between cultural appropriation vs appreciation and what…
How To Increase High-Level Thinking and Boost Innovation
High-level thinking is not something we’re born with. It’s an ability we cultivate. Elevating our thoughts can generate epiphanies, creations, and perspectives that positively influence the world. We must be intrinsically motivated and go beyond superficial thinking to engage all these faculties. These ten steps to increase high-level thinking will help you upgrade your thoughts….
5 Signs You’re Outgrowing a Friendship (and why it’s okay)
The bond that we share with friends is a special one. But unfortunately, not all of them last forever. Some friends evolve with you, while others go in a different direction. And that’s not in our control. If you feel that certain friendships may have run their course and you’re unsure if it’s possible to…