For perfectionists, “good enough” is the enemy of excellence. This all-or-nothing thinking traps them in a state of dissatisfaction. Instead of living in a state of acceptance, they’re constantly chasing a moving target. At its root, it’s about fear. If you’re someone who is motivated to work to a high level, recognizing these five occasions…
How to Know Your True Self
Being true to yourself is not just a cliché, it’s a practice and a state of awareness we need to cultivate and evolve actively. It means stepping away from the societal labels that are placed on us and embracing a deeper aspect of who we are. These five basic steps will help you get to…
6 Types of Toxic People Who Drain Your Energy
We all have to deal with toxic people in our lives. They can’t be entirely avoided, whether they be a boss, parent, or coworker we can’t stand to collaborate with. While nothing is ever ideal and some degree of compromise is needed, we need to be clear about how much we’re willing to put up…
Why Seeing From a Higher Perspective is Essential
To become a superior strategist in life, you have to develop a long-term approach. It takes a conscious effort on our part to avoid what we’re naturally prone to doing; limiting our senses to what is immediate. Instead of waiting to connect the dots later, we can give ourselves an expanded view in the now….
How to Tell Your Ego from Your Higher Self
The Higher Self is the highest and most exalted part of you. It embodies noble traits like observation, awareness, reflection, intuition, balance, foresight, expansion, and big-picture thinking. You can become attuned to the Higher Self by learning how to distinguish it from the ego, the more critical and chaotic aspect of your mind. Find out…
The Four Aspects of Aging
Our society celebrates youth. For this reason older people go to great lengths to look as young as possible to get that validation. But when you change your outlook on the aging process you’ll find it easier to accept it and age gracefully. The four different aspects of aging provide a different perspective on aging…
The Keys to Handling Criticism Well
No one likes being criticized, but learning how to accept criticism is an important skill. Having a toolbox of techniques and coping mechanisms can help us return to balance when we feel triggered and makes it easier to figure out when feedback is useful for us. Learn four steps to handling criticism well. (Estimated reading…
5 Ways to Overcome Feeling Isolated and Alone
We’ve all felt lonely at certain points in our life. As social creatures who need the support and love of a community, we need to reach out to others and be open to receiving help from them. Not doing so can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing. There are several ways we…
How to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Anything Else
A simple shift in attitude can change how you experience life, but this can be hard to do when your circumstances are challenging. The good news is that you have more power than ever to shape both your mental and physical realities through your thoughts. Learn four effective ways to help you change your attitude…
5 Ladylike Qualities Still Important Today
Some women, when asked to be ladylike, feel pressured into old gender roles. They see it as society’s way of making them conform to certain expectations of what’s desirable and acceptable of a woman. But ladylike behavior enhances our individuality, it doesn’t suppress it. We just need to redefine what it means to us and…