Forging a connection with Mother Nature is healing because it allows you to leave your worries behind and experience a renewed sense of vitality. Learn creative ways you can spend more time in nature and why it’s important to do so. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine,…
The Secret to Charisma and Personal Magnetism
A charismatic has the power to consistently charm people with their smarts and their energy. The good news is that you don’t have to be outgoing or bubbly to embody this quality. The secret to charisma lies in your self-confidence and how you treat others. Find out the specific traits that define a charismatic personality….
How to Become a Genius through Deep Work
To become a genius one has to be willing to engage in deep work sessions where they can push their limits. A clear and focused mind allows to focus and create work that’s original and exemplary. This post will show you how to fully immerse and engage in deep work. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes)…
Why it’s Important for the World to Hear Your Voice
You have unique gifts and opinions and it’s important for the world to hear your voice. But without encouragement, it can be intimidating to stand out and speak up. Find out what you can do to ensure that you express your potential and make your unique mark in the world. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes)…
What Your Emotions are Really Trying to Tell You
Many of us are not taught about how to understand our emotions. Yet this ability is one of the most crucial skills when it comes to our mental health and decision making abilities. Understanding what your emotions are trying to tell you is crucial to your emotional health. This post offers a simple process for…
5 Simple Steps to Reading People
When you master the art of reading people you become a better communicator and a stronger judge of character. However, not many of us know what we should focus on and how to avoid deception. Become a master at reading people with these five steps. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “To know what people really…
The Art of Cultivating Healthy Expectations From Life
Cultivating healthy expectations from life plays a vital role in our happiness. The key to doing it successfully is to find that sweet spot of setting expectations that are challenging, but aren’t so high that they seem unreachable and unrealistic. Learn the skills and mindsets to master the art of cultivating healthy expectations. (Estimated reading…
The Right Way of Being a Perfectionist
Perfectionist tendencies that are left unchecked is unhealthy. Yet, having high aspirations can propel us to perform our best. We can achieve a lot if we can moderate our perfectionist tendencies. Learn five ways to tap into the positive aspects of perfectionism. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “People call me a perfectionist, but I’m not….
The Healing Power of Music and How to Use It
Every culture has developed it’s own expressions of music which resulted in countless varieties of musical genres and instruments. This goes to show how integral it is to human nature. Learn about the healing power of music and how you can creatively incorporate it into your lifestyle so that you can enjoy the benefits. (Estimated…
5 Important Life Lessons We Can Learn From Politics
Over the course of human history, we’ve been under all types of political regimes. If we can focus on the rulers who did good in their terms and who were beacons of hope and inspiration, we can learn from politics and become stronger leaders in our own lives. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Politics is…