Mornings offer the perfect opportunity to get the rest of the day right. A disciplined start to the day will get your mind, body and spirit in perfect alignment so that you have enough energy and momentum to complete the tasks that you have planned. Even if you aren’t a morning person, you can find…
How to Stay Hopeful When The News is Depressing
Most media coverage tend to accentuate the negative and profit from covering sensational stories. When we passively consume such stories we may feel like we live in a cruel and unjust world. We can avoid feeling disheartened by being mindful of the media we expose ourselves to. Take these steps to maintain a balanced perspective…
How to Avoid Other People’s Drama
Indulging in drama can be fun once in a while. Watching a drama-filled movie or book can appeal to our passions. But it stops being fun when your life starts resembling one. Experiencing too much of drama because of the way we think or because of other people’s behavior, can negatively impact our mental health….
Stop Overthinking and Simplify With These 6 Steps
Overthinking disrupts our mind, body and spirit. Many people find it hard to avoid because of all the demands on them and the stress that they face in everyday life. Regaining inner peace comes down to self-management and developing a healthy lifestyle. Use these six ideas to help you stop overthinking. (Estimated reading time: 6…
How to Find Balance When You’re Emotionally Triggered
Knowing how to manage your triggers when others displease you is essential to maintaining your balance. It prevents you from ruining relationships and doing things you might regret later. Learn ways to stay centered whenever you find yourself emotionally triggered. (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) “Emotions flow in and out, they don’t define us.” —…
The Art of Gracefully Aging
As a society we idolize youth and dislike aging. We undergo all kinds of beauty treatments to look younger and avoid embracing our real age. Gracefully aging graceful involves embracing our age, appreciating all we’ve been through and the wisdom we’ve gained. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “There is an anti-aging possibility, but it has…
How to Stay Informed Without Being Overwhelmed by Negative Media
Media burnout and anxiety is becoming more common because people are feeling overwhelmed by negative media. Finding a balance involves staying informed about the issues that matter to us, limiting our intake and maintaining a healthy perspective. (Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes) “The brains of humans contain a mechanism that is designed to give priority…
Why a Simple Life is the Key to Happiness
Simplicity is more than just a lifestyle. It’s a state of mind. It can trickier to have in today’s world where we’re distracted and overstimulated. By making changes to how we think and live, we can experience the peace and serenity that comes with living a simple life. (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) “Simplicity is…
How to Find the Perfect Balance in Your Life
Inner peace comes from finding the perfect balance in your life. But given our busy schedules and hectic lifestyle it can be a challenge to create it. This post reveals some simple ways to establish the right balance so that you experience health and vitality. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “Balance is not something you…
5 Subtle Ways You’re Giving Away Your Power
Our sense of power comes from have feeling worthy and making choices that align with our truth. It’s not always easy feel this way, especially when we feel limited by our circumstances. Knowing the ways you keep giving away your power can help you reclaim it, and make decisions that are right for you. (Estimated…