It’s hard to be around people who don’t get you. Not only can it makes you question our worth but it can prevent you from taking action on our dreams. But just because others don’t understand your quirks doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. You can find strength in your uniqueness and find people…
5 Essential Qualities of a True Friend
We all long to find good friends who will stick with us during both good and bad times. Look for these five essential qualities of a true friend to recognize them and make them part of your tribe. (Estimated reading time:) “A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.” —…
Why Our Relationships are Our Greatest Teachers
When we have the right perspective and approach, we will see that our relationships are our greatest teachers. This includes the bonds we have with those we love and those we dislike. These five lessons will motivate you to look for the wisdom in all your connections and boost your growth. (Estimated reading time: 6-7…
Toxic People: How to Deal With Them Without Losing Your Mind
Toxic people can wreak havoc in your life. Learning how to deal with toxic people requires that you develop your self-esteem and learn how to identify and address bad behavior from others. (Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes ) “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame…
5 Rules to Follow When Trusting Others
Trust is the foundation of all relationships. Knowing who is worthy of your trust requires discernment and deliberate choice. There five rules will make this process easier when deciding if someone can be genuinely trusted and if you can count on them. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “When someone shows you who they are, believe…
5 Simple Steps to Reading People
When you master the art of reading people you become a better communicator and a stronger judge of character. However, not many of us know what we should focus on and how to avoid deception. Become a master at reading people with these five steps. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “To know what people really…
5 Amazing Ways That Love Can Transform Us
Love is a personal experience that’s unique to each one of us. No matter how we experience it, love can transform us for the better and makes us better human beings. Find out the five ways that loving others and being loved by others can change you for the better. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes)…
The Importance of Having Mentors and Role Models
Good mentors can show us the way using their experience and by encouraging us. Anyone who is a master of their craft were guided and inspired by experts who helped them learn the ropes of their craft. Understand the importance of having mentors and how they can contribute to your success. (Estimated reading time: 4-5…
Why Being Vulnerable is the Only Way to Real Connection
We’re wired for meaningful connections, but every time we get hurt we feel the need to close off our hearts. Being vulnerable is the only way to form genuine connections. Find out how you can take on a healthy and balanced approach while opening up to others. (Estimated reading time: 4 minutes) “It is not…
The 6 Types of Love: How to Experience them in Your Life
Society’s fixation on romantic love makes us believe that it’s the only source of love available to us. We can experience more love in our life if we see that there are different shades in every relationship. The ancient Greeks created six words to capture the essence of all six types of love. (Estimated reading…