Activism is all about acting to bring about social change. It establishes fairness when we sense an imbalance of power that impacts society. There are no perfect activists, and everyone can use their unique skills to contribute if they do so from a place of passion. These stories of some of the most prominent famous…
Curious Habits of 6 Creative Geniuses from History
Each one of us is creatively gifted. Anything from trying to figure out what to cook for dinner to planning a vacation is a demonstration of your creativity. But most of us have barely scratched the surface of our potential. We can boost our creative ideas by being deliberate about our practices and lifestyle choices….
Young Love vs. Old Love: How Both Types of Love are Special
Young love is idolized in our culture. As we become more youth-obsessed, old love has taken a back seat. But both types of love are special in their own way. Favoring one over the other will lead to missing out on the full spectrum of love. Find out how both young and old love can…
Can’t Find Happiness Within Yourself (and in the now)? Here’s Why.
Happiness is a desirable state. Yet, for many of us, it feels elusive. If our necessities for survival are met, and we’re not dealing with severe physiological and mental health issues, it boils down to how we think and perceive. If you’re struggling to find happiness within yourself, it could be because of one or…
6 Types of Philosophy That Will Enrich Your World View
Philosophy has been around since early civilization. Numerous branches have developed all over the world, each one uniquely thought-provoking. Contrary to popular belief, philosophy is not a dry subject with little practical application. It can benefit us in many ways and be a place we can turn to find answers. Consider these six types of…
Different Types of Attention: How to Improve Focus and Get More Done
Focus is the ability to set one’s attention on a particular subject until achieving the desired outcome. When we’re focused, we channel all our concentration and energy on a specific task. However, concentration is a lost art. Our world is dominated by smartphones and other distracting stimuli that make us accessible every moment of the…
The Halo Effect: How it Influences Our Relationships (and why it matters)
All of us judge people by their appearance. From hairstyle to posture, we look at everything to build a picture of them in our minds. By nature, we’re prone to taking people at face value. It’s convenient, and it’s an instinctive response to determine trustworthiness. First impressions count, but we must know that our judgments…
The Different Types of Success: How to Focus on The Right One’s
In looking at your life, can you unequivocally say that pursuing your goals makes you happy? If not, it’s time to redefine what success means to you. Success lies in the process of creation and discovery, not in the potential side-effects of money or praise. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to climb the proverbial ladder…
What is Paganism and How it’s Celebrated Today
What is Paganism? It is a broad term for various traditions that are commonly polytheistic and steeped in the natural world. Because Pagan beliefs are so entrenched in nature, there’s genuine respect for the planet and conserving its beauty and resources. Today, Paganism is either shrouded in mystery or misunderstood. Find out everything you need…
4 Decision Making Models to Help You Make Better Decisions
Every day, we face hundreds of choices — from what to eat for dinner to the more complex ones that impact our future. Most of us aren’t equipped for problem-solving because it’s not something we’re taught in school. But, it’s a skill set that everyone should have in their toolkit. One way to acquire it…