Boundaries protect us from harmful people and energies. They ensure we have enough personal space to engage in activities that nurture us. However, defining and communicating them to others is up to us. Boundary-setting is a skill set we can develop to enhance our relationships – these seven steps and knowing the differences between healthy…
Codependent Relationships: What They Are and Signs You’re in One
Being dependent on others is good. It makes us human. Voicing our needs from a place of compassion and self-worth brings us closer to others. However, too much dependence results in codependency. In codependent relationships, one partner carries the relationship emotionally, while the other avoids taking responsibility for their part in sustaining the connection. Learn…
Energy Vampires: Who They Are and How to Handle Them
Have you ever been in the presence of someone who left you feeling tired and exhausted because of their behavior? The chances are high that you encountered an energy vampire. An energy vampire is a person who feeds off your emotions and life force. They get their energy fix by preying on and consuming the…
Situationships: What they are and Why they’re Unhealthy
A situationship is a romantic liaison that’s undefined. It’s a relationship label that’s become common in modern culture, where people are placing more importance on freedom and personal growth. While situationships can work in the short term and under specific conditions, they can harm us in the long run. Find out how to evaluate whether…
How to Spot a Narcissist: Red Flags to Watch Out for and Ways to Cope
Narcissism is the term used to describe a lack of empathy, self-centeredness, and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. The everyday narcissist can be found lurking in our neighborhoods, offices, family gatherings, and in dating apps. While it’s hard to spot a narcissist because of their charisma, we can avoid getting into relationships with them by…
Emotionally Unavailable Person: 5 Signs to Look For
An emotionally unavailable person is uncomfortable with intimacy, getting closer to someone, and commitment. Being in relationships with emotionally unavailable people can be painful. Knowing what’s drawing you to this type of partner and looking out for these five signs of an emotionally unavailable person before you commit is the key to creating healthier and…
5 Signs You’re Giving Away Your Power in Relationships
There is a power dynamic in every relationship. That underlying dynamic dictates who has the power and who doesn’t. Your intuition is the best guide when it comes to evaluating power sources. Find out if there’s an imbalance in yours by looking for these five signs that you’re giving away your power. (Estimated reading time:…
6 Types of Toxic People Who Drain Your Energy
We all have to deal with toxic people in our lives. They can’t be entirely avoided, whether they be a boss, parent, or coworker we can’t stand to collaborate with. While nothing is ever ideal and some degree of compromise is needed, we need to be clear about how much we’re willing to put up…
How Your Attachment Style Affects Your Relationships
Attachment theory is a theory in developmental psychology that describes how humans form emotional attachments based on their early childhood experiences. Our attachment style affects all facets of our intimate relationships: the type of partner we are drawn to, how our relationships progress, how long they last, and the way that they end. You can…
How to Deal with People Who Don’t Play Fair
Most of us are raised to believe that we must work hard and ethically earn our success, but there are some who are tempted to take shortcuts even if it sabotages and harms others. If you have to deal with people who don’t play fair in your life, these five steps will help you handle…