The paradox of choice states that having lots of options causes dissatisfaction and confusion. Knowing how to navigate your options will help you develop confidence in your decision-making abilities and feel more fulfilled in your relationships. (Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes) “Happily ever after is not a fairy tale. ’It’s a choice..” — Fawn Weaver…
The Truth About the Twin Flame Journey
The twin flame journey is one of finding your kindred spirit – a partner with whom you share unconditional love and who awakens your true potential with that love. Learn how to make make the twin flame journey work in your favor by seeing it for what it truly is and isn’t, and knowing how…
4 Old-Fashioned Courtship Rituals We Should Bring Back
The marketplace mentality of the dating world has made people feel more like commodities than people. As a culture, we’re guided by the instant gratification of getting the pick of a glut of love options available at our fingertips. You can bring tenderness, respect and authenticity back to the dating process with these four old-fashioned…
The Truth About Fairy Tale Love
Buying into this picture-perfect take on fairy tale love that we see in stories is a fun way to escape, but if we take it too seriously, it can land us in hot water. What seems like harmless escapism influences our expectations of relationships and partners. Balance your relationship expectations by learning four ways to…
The Different Types of Chemistry in Relationships
Everyone wants to feel that magical spark that comes from having chemistry in a love connection. But just because you’re experiencing an intense charge with another person does not mean they are right for you. Knowing the five different types of chemistry in relationships you could share with another person is key to finding the…
5 Signs You’re Giving Away Your Power in Relationships
There is a power dynamic in every relationship. That underlying dynamic dictates who has the power and who doesn’t. Your intuition is the best guide when it comes to evaluating power sources. Find out if there’s an imbalance in yours by looking for these five signs that you’re giving away your power. (Estimated reading time:…
What the Law of Attraction Taught Me About Manifesting Love
The Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like, can be instrumental in manifesting love into our lives. When we combine the the Law of Attraction principles with the inner work that can help us heal past pain and improve our beliefs around relationships, we’ll draw in healthier connections into our lives. Keeping these…
6 Types of Toxic People Who Drain Your Energy
We all have to deal with toxic people in our lives. They can’t be entirely avoided, whether they be a boss, parent, or coworker we can’t stand to collaborate with. While nothing is ever ideal and some degree of compromise is needed, we need to be clear about how much we’re willing to put up…
Why Love is Never Wasted
Unselfish, pure, and genuine love once given, is never wasted because it transforms us. The experience of being in love allows us to explore deeper dimensions of life and makes us come alive. It elevates our consciousness so that we can see the world through the lens of humanity. Find out the many ways healthy…
5 Ways to Overcome Feeling Isolated and Alone
We’ve all felt lonely at certain points in our life. As social creatures who need the support and love of a community, we need to reach out to others and be open to receiving help from them. Not doing so can have a negative impact on our health and wellbeing. There are several ways we…