A charismatic has the power to consistently charm people with their smarts and their energy. The good news is that you don’t have to be outgoing or bubbly to embody this quality. The secret to charisma lies in your self-confidence and how you treat others. Find out the specific traits that define a charismatic personality….
Why it’s Important for the World to Hear Your Voice
You have unique gifts and opinions and it’s important for the world to hear your voice. But without encouragement, it can be intimidating to stand out and speak up. Find out what you can do to ensure that you express your potential and make your unique mark in the world. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes)…
5 Simple Steps to Reading People
When you master the art of reading people you become a better communicator and a stronger judge of character. However, not many of us know what we should focus on and how to avoid deception. Become a master at reading people with these five steps. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “To know what people really…
The Art of Cultivating Healthy Expectations From Life
Cultivating healthy expectations from life plays a vital role in our happiness. The key to doing it successfully is to find that sweet spot of setting expectations that are challenging, but aren’t so high that they seem unreachable and unrealistic. Learn the skills and mindsets to master the art of cultivating healthy expectations. (Estimated reading…
The Right Way of Being a Perfectionist
Perfectionist tendencies that are left unchecked is unhealthy. Yet, having high aspirations can propel us to perform our best. We can achieve a lot if we can moderate our perfectionist tendencies. Learn five ways to tap into the positive aspects of perfectionism. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “People call me a perfectionist, but I’m not….
The Importance of Building Character
Our society tends to give more importance to those those who posses material symbols of power. But to be truly happy and to make a difference in the lives of others, we have to develop depth and substance. Learn how to build character with these five steps. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Character is unfakeable…
How to Turn Regret into Inspiration
Regret is a wasted emotion because there is nothing we can do to change the past. When we turn our regret into inspiration and lessons, we can become wiser and stronger. Learn how you can make this shift by changing your story and be healing your emotions. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “No regrets. Just…
How Facing Your Shadow Can Liberate You
Our shadow self can cause us to sabotage our efforts to get over unhealthy patterns. Facing our shadow requires that we become aware and acknowledge the parts of our us that we’re not proud of. Learn how to balance your shadow self with the other aspects of your personality with these techniques. (Estimated reading time:…
The Importance of Having Mentors and Role Models
Good mentors can show us the way using their experience and by encouraging us. Anyone who is a master of their craft were guided and inspired by experts who helped them learn the ropes of their craft. Understand the importance of having mentors and how they can contribute to your success. (Estimated reading time: 4-5…
The Art of Dreaming Big While Still Loving Your Life
Setting high standards can often cause anxiety and a sense of urgency. A shift in your thoughts and attitude will allow you to create a life that you love, while finding joy and satisfaction in your current circumstances. Learn the art of dreaming big while still loving your life with these six techniques and mindsets….