Having the right priorities is essential to living a life of meaning. Living your best life requires the ability to intuitively pick up on the times when you veer off course and lose sight of what’s important. Lookout for these four signs that indicate that your priorities are probably wrong. (Estimated reading time: 5-6 minutes)…
When a Risk is Worth Taking
Most of the decisions that we make on a daily basis are simple to make because they don’t carry a lot of risk. Decision making becomes challenging when we feel that something important is at stake and we don’t know how to process the information. These five guidelines will help you decide whether or not…
Why Your Intuition May Not Always Be Right
Our gut feelings often influence our decision-making. They provide a shortcut to making decisions in a world where we’re bombarded with choices. Your intuition is usually a reliable source of guidance but there are certain condition under which your intuition may not always be right. Before you trust your gut, check to see if you…
You’re Not Broken. You’re a Work in Progress. Here’s Why.
Society conditions us to focus on our imperfections and do everything that we can to fix our flaws. This can make us critical of ourselves and never feel like we’re good enough. You can improve and be a better you without having to judge and berate yourself. Get a perspective shift by learning four reasons…
How to Graciously Deal with Rude People
In our culture where rudeness is celebrated as the “new cool,” we find ourselves having to respond to rude behavior more often than we want. The key to dealing with rude people in understanding where they are coming from and managing our own emotions when we feel triggered by them. Learn four effective ways that…
How to Stay Motivated When You’re Overwhelmed
True champions set a high bar for themselves, but to reach that goal, they must be willing to develop the mindset and skills to stay motivated. We can learn from their example and arm ourselves with knowledge and practices that we can use whenever we feel overwhelmed by the road ahead of us. These five…
4 Key Differences Between Happiness and Joy
Joy and happiness are often confused with each other because they seem similar on the surface. However, there a several distinctions that between the two emotions. Learn the four key difference between happiness and joy and how you can make joy a permanent state of being. (Estimated reading time: 5-6 minutes) “Let your joy be…
When Things Don’t Go as Planned, Do This.
There a times when things don’t go as planned. You don’t get the job or the person, or you get injured in an accident. If we can resist feeling like a victim and giving up, we’ll find perspective in these times which we can use to our advantage. These four steps will help you bounce…
4 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently
Many people believe that creative geniuses are specially gifted – a product of inborn talent, privilege, or the right alignment of the stars. The truth is that there’s no such thing as a creative or non-creative person. There are only people who tap into their creativity and those who don’t. Creative people have habits and…
5 Signs That You Are an Old Soul
An old soul is someone who is wise beyond their years. Life isn’t always for them as they are often misunderstood and aren’t sure how to use their unique strengths. Find out if you’re old soul by looking for these five signs. You’ll also learn how to use your ‘old soul wisdom’ to create a…