Conscious and heart-centered leadership is needed now more than ever to deal with all the pressing global issues we face a species. We need to move away from fear-based devices like armies and firearms, to ones that are rooted in compassion and wisdom, like negotiation, collaboration, and cooperation. These four lessons from benevolent leaders of…
4 Important Things We Can Learn From History
There is a lot we can learn from history if we’re open to it. Even though our ancestors faced different circumstances, they have faced trials and tribulations that we can identify with. By being a witness to their stories, we’ll benefit from the wisdom they left behind. (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) “Learning history is…
How to Become More Present in Your Life
We gain a sense of purpose and meaning by being more present in your life. Our experiences become enriching and vibrant when we’re in the now. We’re all capable of cultivating this deep, real-time awareness, but we get stuck in thoughts about the past or the future. Learn five mindfulness principles that can shift your…
6 Universal Laws You Should Be Aware Of
Everything in the natural world is governed by universal laws. We cannot see them, but we know they are present. When we work with them by aligning our thoughts and actions, we experience flow and become better at manifesting. When we work against them, we experience struggle and challenges. Learn six universal laws to become…
How to Stop Worrying About Things That Don’t Really Matter
Worrying not only makes life unpleasant but it can derail us from our success. The secret to worrying less is knowing what does and doesn’t matter to us. Find out the three steps that you can take to eliminate petty concerns and stop worrying. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “You don’t have to care about…
Why the Truth Will Always Set You Free
Sometimes the reality of our life can get unpleasant and we feel tempted to ignore or deny it. This can lead to all kinds of problems, big and small. The only way to get ahead in life is to face reality head on and take action on what we know. The truth will always set…
The Subtle Art of Healthy Detachment
When we’re overly attached to an outcome we not only feel more anxious but we lessen our chances of manifesting it in our lives. Being in a state of healthy detachment is a subtle art that you can master with practice. If you’re someone who has a hard time letting go, use these four techniques…
Why the Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side
At certain points in our life, we have dreamed about being someone else and living in different circumstances. While it’s healthy to have aspirations that inspire us to take and action and improve ourselves, it becomes a problem if we get stuck there. and experience dissatisfaction. Learn why grass is not always greener on the…
The Importance of Honesty and Integrity
Honesty and integrity are essential traits in a high functioning person. When you’re honest you’ll find that life becomes simpler, lighter, and enjoyable because you have a clear conscience. But it’s not always easy to do in a dog-eat-dog world, without our concerted effort. Learn how to cultivate these qualities in your personality. (Estimated reading…
Why Complaining Is Bad and Blocks Your Abundance
Complaining is a reactive response that occurs when we’re unaware of the thoughts that are dominating our mind. If we can be conscious of this impulse, we’ll be in a stronger position to shift it. Find out how complaining and blocks your abundance and what you could keep this tendency in check. (Estimated reading time:…