Leadership styles speak to a leader’s behavior and methods when managing, directing, and motivating others. Knowing your leadership style can increase your awareness of how you might come across to the people who follow you and how you make decisions. If you’re curious to know your leadership style, you may identify with one of the…
Contingency Plans: Why You Need One to Make Room for the Unexpected
A contingency plan is a prepared set of actions you can take if something unexpected happens. Think of it as a plan for a “what if” scenario for turbulent live events, like a shift in your finances or health. Most people go through life without a plan B, without seeing the need for planning for…
How to Cope with Decision Fatigue and Make Smarter Choices
From the moment we wake up, we must deal with a continuous stream of choices. Some are minor, like what to make for breakfast, while others are more difficult, like choosing where to live. Without the right mindset and attitude, the avalanche of decisions we make each day can be overwhelming. The term used to…
Chronos vs Kairos: Two Models of Time to Live More Fully
Time is constant, but how we perceive it varies. That’s why an hour spent watching our favorite Netflix show feels different from an hour stuck in traffic. To differentiate experiences of time, ancient Greeks had two words for it — Chronos and Kairos. By understanding the differences between Chronos vs Kairos, you can alter your…
Luck vs Hard Work: What Really Determines Success
Luck vs. hard work is an age-old debate. We like to believe that our dreams are the product of hard work, but if that’s all it takes, there would be plenty more wildly successful people by our social standards. To get a more accurate picture, we must understand how hard work synergizes with luck. In…
The 5 Greatest Empires in History (and what we can learn from their legacy)
The greatest empires in history are responsible for shaping our world. Historical empires are great teachers as well as cautionary tales. By learning from the past, we can learn leadership and resource management skills, as well as human rights lessons. These five greatest empires in history will inspire you to build your own “empires” with…
Want to Accomplish More in a Shorter Time? Try Doing Less.
In a culture focused on success, achievement, and perfection, most people mistakenly think that striving and being constantly on the go is the only way to accomplish more and get the most out of their time. However, working round the clock is inefficient, and being constantly on the go isn’t the way to get the…
The Halo Effect: How it Influences Our Relationships (and why it matters)
All of us judge people by their appearance. From hairstyle to posture, we look at everything to build a picture of them in our minds. By nature, we’re prone to taking people at face value. It’s convenient, and it’s an instinctive response to determine trustworthiness. First impressions count, but we must know that our judgments…
The Different Types of Success: How to Focus on The Right One’s
In looking at your life, can you unequivocally say that pursuing your goals makes you happy? If not, it’s time to redefine what success means to you. Success lies in the process of creation and discovery, not in the potential side-effects of money or praise. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to climb the proverbial ladder…
4 Decision Making Models to Help You Make Better Decisions
Every day, we face hundreds of choices — from what to eat for dinner to the more complex ones that impact our future. Most of us aren’t equipped for problem-solving because it’s not something we’re taught in school. But, it’s a skill set that everyone should have in their toolkit. One way to acquire it…