Life is full of unknowns, and you cannot be entirely sure of the outcome of a decision. That’s why many people look to a Higher Force to guide them. This provides a birds-eye view that can help them look beyond their limited perspective when they feel lost or stuck. If you believe in an intelligent universe, tap into its’ repository of wisdom by looking out for these nine signs from the universe and deciphering its messages.
“A coincidence will remain a coincidence until its significance is known.”
— Angie Corbett-Kuiper
Life is full of unknowns. Our human minds cannot comprehend the multitude of future possibilities. You can be the most astute forecaster and meticulous planner, but you cannot be entirely sure of the outcome of a particular choice or action.
This lack of certainty is why many choose to look to a Higher Force to guide them. It provides a birds-eye view that can help them look beyond their limited perspective.
If you believe in an intelligent universe, you may tap into this repository of wisdom when you get stuck and feel lost. When faced with choices and unable to decide, you may have asked the universe for a sign to point you in the right direction, hoping for a response that lets you know you’re not alone and feel supported.
Some of us are fortunate to catch these signs from the universe. The rest of us may miss them because we must pay attention and be attuned enough to recognize them.
Even if we aren’t asking for it, the universe always speaks to us, but only some people pick up on the messages. Others are distracted and live disconnected lives that aren’t aligned with the flow of life, making them miss the writing on the wall.
Some prefer to live solely in the physical world, refusing to dive into a deeper reality. Only when their worlds come crashing down do they look back and realize that they overlooked all the warning signs – whether that’s the advice from a friend, repeated dysfunctional behaviors, or more mystical ones like repeating numbers or synchronicities.
Oprah Winfrey once said that life whispers to us all the time, and if you don’t get the whisper, it gets louder and becomes a ‘pebble’ or a thump in the head. She explains:
“The pebble or the thump upside the head usually means it’s gone into a problem. If you don’t pay attention to the problem, the pebble then becomes like a brick. The brick upside your head is a crisis, and If you don’t pay attention to the brick upside your head, the crisis turns into a disaster and the whole house — brick wall — comes falling down.”
Ignoring signs from the universe can cause the brick walls of our lives to crash. We can avoid this by familiarizing ourselves with common signs and interpreting them in ways that make sense. This will help you realign with higher frequencies and live a more peaceful, fulfilling, and purposeful existence.
Is the Universe really conscious and invested in our growth?
The belief that the universe sends us signs is predicated on the idea that we live in a conscious universe and that a higher benevolent force orchestrates the events in our lives.
From this spiritual perspective, life looks like a big school where every incident is instrumental in our evolution toward self-actualization and deeper wisdom.
However, skeptics will challenge this notion, insisting that every occurrence is random and that we are mere mortals, tossed around by cosmic tidal waves to eventually be swallowed up for eternity.
The first perspective elicits feelings of comfort and safety. The latter engenders feelings of loneliness and desolation. This improvable dilemma is something humans have reckoned with for centuries. Ancient philosophers and scholars have spent countless hours pondering on it.
Panpsychism, the idea that consciousness pervades the entire universe and that the world is “awake,” can be found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian mysticism, Taoism, ancient Greek philosophy, and several indigenous beliefs.
The Christian mystic, Saint Francis of Assisi, was so convinced that everything was conscious that he preached to birds and spoke to flowers. Even great scientists like Thomas Edison had panpsychist views, stating that “Every atom is possessed by a certain amount of primitive intelligence.”
Astrophysicist Carl Sagan said, “Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” Einstein shared a similar view, believing that true spiritual enlightenment is the path we travel when we pursue scientific discovery.
However, some influential philosophers view panpsychism as nonsense and incompatible with science, labeling it a delusion to placate New Agers’ angst. American philosopher John Searle stated, “Consciousness cannot be spread across the universe like a thin veneer of jam.” British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said that “such image-mongery” should not interest us.
Panpsychism stems from a deeply held belief embedded in our psyches: that humans are superior beings who play a pivotal role in the grand scheme of things. Our exclusive existence separates us from the cold, mechanical, and impersonal universe.
This enchanting perspective is something we adopt naturally as children. Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget found that children between two and four years old tend to attribute consciousness to everything around them. For instance, a child happily talks to inanimate objects like dolls and action figures, believing they are listening to them. That’s why movies and fairytales are filled with animated characters that serve as friends, confidantes, and guides to the protagonist.
Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that the characters, images, and events repeated in myths and stories from differing religions and cultures show common patterns. The fact that these occur in isolated cultures with no connection indicates that they come from a collective consciousness that gives meaning to the world.
Jung believed synchronicity was evidence of a unifying consciousness in the universe. We see this through physical manifestations of what happens in our psyches. For instance, seeing an owl repeatedly can help you see parts of yourself that are wise and capable of seeing the light of truth in dark times.
Jung believed that coincidences do not happen randomly and should be taken as signals sent by the universe, which taps into the collective unconscious that connects us all.
Clearly, the debate about whether the universe is conscious or not is a well-worn path. In the end, there’s no legitimate proof of the validity of either viewpoint. It really comes down to what we choose to believe in and if we choose to believe in signs from the universe.
Faith is paramount to our moral ecosystem because it fortifies our intent to search for purpose, invaluable life lessons, and clues that could lead us to higher ground.
9 signs from the universe to guide you on your journey
By looking for these nine signs from the universe and deciphering its messages, you can tap into its frequency and improve your life. Interpreting signs takes time, but with practice, you’ll get better at spotting them and using your intuition to make sense of their significance.
1. Significant people or chance meetings
Guidance often comes to us in the form of people. Someone enters our lives at the right time and reveals the next steps. Perhaps you meet a random person with an idea or a message that sparks a deep understanding within you, or it reawakens a long-held dream.
They could also offer opportunities that can open doors in your career or personal life. Even a phone call or a text message, listening to a conversation, or a message on a podcast or radio can carry important messages we need to hear.
Or maybe you are looking for assistance in a current challenge, and you meet someone who can offer the solutions you need – whether it’s a mentor, coach, or trainer.
Synchronistic meetings can also happen when you start thinking of someone, like a friend from high school, and you suddenly hear from them or bump into them in your neighborhood.
Obviously, not everyone you meet will be significant, but by learning to read the signs from the universe, you will intuitively know when you need to pay attention and look for the meaning behind it.
2. Sudden or random thoughts
Having a thought pop into your head out of nowhere is another way the universe can speak to you.
You go about your usual activities and suddenly get a completely random, unrelated thought. These “eureka” or “a-ha” moments can lead to breakthroughs like solving a vexing problem at work or spark an idea for a new business.
Sudden thoughts can also be telepathic. For instance, you might have a random idea about your mom, wondering how she’s doing. Even if you spoke to her recently, you might feel an urge to call her. This could be a sign that she needs your support and love, and you sense that.
Many believe we are plugged into a regular frequency, and random thoughts occur when the universe connects with our frequency to reach us. No matter what you believe, if the thought feels significant, pay attention and look deeper.
3. Dreams
Dreams are the most intriguing signs because of their vividness and mystery. While science views dreams as nothing more than the subconscious mind processing things while asleep, spiritualists see dreams as a portal connecting us to the collective consciousness.
The universe can communicate through dreams using imagery, sensations, symbols, and meaningful people and experiences.
A big challenge with dreams is that it can be hard to remember them. Certain meditations or keeping a dream journal can help with dream recovery.
Another hurdle people must overcome is interpreting their dreams.
At first glance, some dreams can make absolutely no sense. Plenty of resources can help us interpret dreams, but ultimately, you must make sense of what the dream is saying to you based on what you’re currently dealing with or the themes in your life you’re reckoning with. It’s also important to note how the dream made you feel, as that will give you a big clue as to its message.
4. Numbers or sequences of numbers
Humans may have conceived of numbers, but the universe still uses them to speak to us. Seeing specific sequences or patterns on clocks, license plates, in telephone numbers, and residential addresses indicates a hidden message, especially if you’re seeing them frequently.
For instance, seeing the same numbers repeatedly, like 1111, 333, 444, 555, or other similar numbers, is a celestial nod that you are heading in the right direction. If you’d like to dig deeper, you can analyze what the numbers mean in numerology. Each number and combination have a specific meaning that may mean something to you.
You could also come across significant numbers, such as your lucky number, birthday, or anniversary dates. For example, I see the number 11 because my birthday is June 11th, and I also see 56, a personally important number. I know I’m connected to a higher force when I see these signs from the universe often.
5. Songs
Have you ever listened to a song that struck a chord with you? It could be the lyrics, melody, the singer’s voice, or a combination of those that moved you deeply. If that’s the case, pay close attention to the words and themes you hear because they might offer a message or an insight into your current life.
If you’re hearing the same song repeatedly or if a song keeps playing in your head, there could be synchronistic forces at play. An earworm, or stuck song syndrome, is a memorable or catchy piece of music that occupies a person’s mind. Spiritualists believe that we need to pay attention to these stuck tunes.
For instance, hearing a depressing or sad song could indicate some pain within or around you that you need to address. But if you listen to songs that make you happy or are associated with a happy memory, like your wedding or a trip you took with your friend, that reflects your joyful internal state or that happy times are afoot.
When you ask for guidance, you may get your answer from a song that suddenly plays on the radio or a song you remember from your past. If you’re open to it, you could also use the shuffle function on your playlist and see which songs start playing.
6: Delays, setbacks, roadblocks, and detours
Viewing obstacles as signs from the universe can feel counterintuitive. When setting out to do something, we want things to work out as planned, and facing delays and hurdles are inconveniences we prefer not to deal with.
From the seemingly perfect business deal that didn’t pan out, an injury that slows you down, or a date that doesn’t call you back, these sudden setbacks and interruptions might be the universe telling you that it isn’t the right path for you or that you need more rest or risk burning out.
Instead of forcing things to happen just because you want something to work in your favor, take a step back and think about what the universe might be trying to tell you through the rejections and delays.
Perhaps it’s trying to reposition you or tell you to be patient as something better is in store. It can also be a sign that you are emitting low vibes and need to shift your energy and mindset to align with higher vibrations that remove the roadblocks.
I know that this is easier said than done. When we contend with a perceived failure, it’s best to practice radical acceptance and believe that things are happening in favor of our growth and that the sun will shine again and open new doors for us. As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “God’s delays are not God’s denials.”
Along with having faith, we must be astute and strategic about our next moves. When we take a detour, we must consider all available options and look for alternatives we have yet to consider. You may need more information from an expert who can show you better approaches and choices.
7. Animals and nature
The universe can communicate powerfully by using the natural elements around you.
Throughout history, people have attributed meaning to nature. Shamanic, paeans, and tribal groups, especially animism devotees, paid close attention to animals, weather patterns, rocks, flowers, crystals, feathers, trees, and many other natural phenomena. They believed the natural world can reflect your inner world.
Animals or animal behaviors can signify things to come, a lesson, or an unfulfilled desire. For example, seeing turtles in the media or our surroundings may be telling you to take a slow and steady approach to succeed. Spotting a hawk can be asking you to see your situation from a higher perspective or that you’re ascending toward a higher level of spiritual evolution.
If you identify with a particular animal, spotting it may be one of the signs from the universe expressing support and that it your back if you’re going through a difficult time.
8. Intuition or gut feelings
Your intuition, when well-honed, is a strong medium for messages from the universe. Our unconscious minds are more in sync with it than we think, and we must trust and follow it. Those gut feelings and sensations are higher forces indicating what’s happening around you and asking you to be mindful.
For instance, entering certain spaces or meeting a particular person can create a sense of dread and that something is off, even if, on the surface, the place and person seem normal or even pleasant. When you feel those emotions strongly, you can be sure that there’s something you need to listen to and investigate.
It can also be positive feelings about something, even without logical evidence. Sometimes, you just know, and there is a sense of rightness about a situation. Many people report feeling this way when they meet the person they go on to be happily married to or enter an office that gives them the perfect environment to grow and improve in their career.
If you hear a recommendation for a movie or a book, and a big part of you feels drawn to it, that is your inner guide telling you those resources hold a key piece of relevant information. Regular meditation and mindfulness practices like journaling help us connect with our inner compass.
9. Synchronicity and coincidental occurrences
Carl Jung coined the term ‘synchronicity’ to characterize mysterious and meaningful coincidences in the outside world. He described it as an ‘acausal connecting principle’ in which events align to a person’s experience beyond the rational sequence of events. This means that the synchronicities we witness are subjective and hold meaning specifically for us.
For example, a friend recommends a gym you should join, then you drive to work to see a billboard advertising the gym, and then you see a pedestrian wearing a t-shirt with the gym logo.
I would interpret it as the universe telling you, loudly and clearly, that it’s time to join a gym.
Synchronicities are a big “yes” and a big thumbs up to confirm that you are on the right track, aligned with your vision for the future and that you should proceed with what you’re doing.
The fun part is that the more you notice synchronicities, the more these events will happen in your life. This potent guidance in your toolbox will help you push in positive directions.
So, the next time a coincidence occurs in your life, don’t ignore it and call it a fluke, accident, miracle, or happenstance; instead, tune into its significance and relevance in the tapestry of your life.
How to become more aware and watchful of the signs from the universe
Now that you know that the universe speaks to you, now what? The truth is that seeing signs means you must alter your life drastically. Often, it can be a simple guideline or a reminder to care for yourself and keep the faith.
The first step in receiving these cosmic messages is to open your mind and be sensitized enough to detect them when they happen. Sometimes, signs can be so quick, elusive, indirect, and subtle that you miss them. The more you pay attention, the more messages you receive and benefit from.
Here are five ways to become more mindful of the signs from the universe:
1. Pay attention: The universe can speak to us in a multitude of ways, and there are no limits to its creative intelligence. Even if you’re seeking general guidance for a specific dilemma, pay attention to your environment.
2. Fine-tune your intuition: Like a radar, you need to have a surveillance ability to detect signs. You can fine-tune your ability to develop a high level of awareness. This awareness can be cultivated through meditation and self-reflection. Give yourself opportunities to tune into your intuition by stepping away from the noise within and around you; the universe is more likely to have a dialogue with you.
3. Express an openness to receive: Cultivate a genuine desire to co-create with the universe and stay open to getting answers from any source. If asking for help about a specific matter causes angst, try managing your apprehension because that will get in the way of you recognizing answers.
4. Don’t overthink and overcomplicate signs: Signs from the universe are usually simple, and their significance will immediately become apparent if we tap into our intuition. If we get our analytical minds too involved, the simplicity of the message gets lost.
Instead, we should take them for what they are and take in the momentary impact it has on us. With soft awareness and acceptance, you can be sure that there will be no doubt or confusion about what is being said. Trust in the source and its directness and rawness, within and outside yourself.
4. Manage expectations: A common misconception is that signs come to us in a flash of lightning somewhere from the heavens. But its presence can be felt around us in our everyday lives, like when we’re on our way to work or a casual conversation with a stranger. More often than not, signals are revealed to us in the ordinary moments of life rather than in a ceremonial moment.
5. Surrender: Being overly attached and obsessing over the search for signs can reduce the efficacy of the messages sent to us. If you want the universe to say something to you, surrender and release your personal investment in the answer. Being in a state of allowing will open space for the signs to flow.
There is purpose in your existence. Author Deepak Chopra once said, “You belong in the scheme of the universe.” Knowing this offers a sense of safety and belonging. If you trust in this, you can believe that the universe is always here to help you and that cosmic consciousness is nudging you toward your potential. Pay attention to what it’s telling you. You’ll always be where you’re supposed to be, even if it doesn’t look like it on the surface at that moment.
All my best on your journey,
Questions for you: What kinds of signs have you witnessed in your life? How did they help you, and what did you learn from your experience?
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I witness all kinds of signs and numbers every day.songs as well. I can’t believe I experience just about most of what your posts talk about. Thank you for the information and greatly, angel Hoover.