Everyone wants to feel that magical spark that comes from having chemistry in a love connection. But just because you’re experiencing an intense charge with another person does not mean they are right for you. Knowing the five different types of chemistry in relationships you could share with another person is key to finding the…
5 Things Original Thinkers Do Differently
Being original means putting your own unique spin on things by drawing from your personal experiences and ideas. But being truly original requires a lot more than coming up with a clever approach to an existing idea. You must be daring enough to go against what’s conventional. Learn how some of the most well-known original…
What Colorism is and How to Overcome it
Colorism is when people of color not only face prejudice outside their ethnic group but among members of their own race as well. It highlights the biases that exist within specific ethnic groupings that lighter complexions are more attractive and valuable than darker ones. It’s s a societal problem that needs to be fought with…
The Daily Rituals of Highly Productive People
A key characteristic of successful people is that they are highly productive – they tend to get more quality work done in a shorter span of time. While talent plays an important role in their success, their real power comes from creating a lifestyle that’s conducive to growth. Find out the daily rituals of highly…
5 Signs You’re Giving Away Your Power in Relationships
There is a power dynamic in every relationship. That underlying dynamic dictates who has the power and who doesn’t. Your intuition is the best guide when it comes to evaluating power sources. Find out if there’s an imbalance in yours by looking for these five signs that you’re giving away your power. (Estimated reading time:…
How to Live Your Life with Purpose
What we don’t realize is that living with purpose is a state of ‘being’ and not ‘doing.’ We should strive toward our purpose because of the type of person we will become on the journey, not only because of the outcome. Find out how you can cultivate the right attitude and practices to live your…
How to Balance Cultural Identity
Our culture plays a significant role in shaping us. Sometimes we take these ready-made cultural identities and embrace them as our own, without questioning whether they hold true for us. It’s important to take a step back and consider if they align with all the other aspects of your persona. By following these three steps…
The Importance of Play and Having Fun
Play is fundamental to our health. A lot of grown-ups who regularly suffer from stress, anxiety, and burnout, were raised to believe that fun is a distraction and the antithesis of a good work ethic and responsible behavior. At best, fun is seen as an occasional treat. We can move away from this thinking by…
When Good is Good Enough
For perfectionists, “good enough” is the enemy of excellence. This all-or-nothing thinking traps them in a state of dissatisfaction. Instead of living in a state of acceptance, they’re constantly chasing a moving target. At its root, it’s about fear. If you’re someone who is motivated to work to a high level, recognizing these five occasions…
What the Law of Attraction Taught Me About Manifesting Love
The Law of Attraction, which states that like attracts like, can be instrumental in manifesting love into our lives. When we combine the the Law of Attraction principles with the inner work that can help us heal past pain and improve our beliefs around relationships, we’ll draw in healthier connections into our lives. Keeping these…