Many people find being alone hard to endure, especially for extended periods. It can make people feel lonely and unloved. But there are many benefits from spending time alone when done in moderation and with intention. With these tips, you’ll learn how to schedule enough alone time to regroup and replenish so that you can…
Right Speech: Mastering the Art of Communication with Empathy (and why it matters)
With the rise of the internet and social media, people have become less empathic in how they communicate. Rudeness and deceptive language are common both in the online and offline world. One way to overcome this is to have a code of ethics that can keep us in check. The Buddhist teachings of Right Speech…
5 Signs You’re Outgrowing a Friendship (and why it’s okay)
The bond that we share with friends is a special one. But unfortunately, not all of them last forever. Some friends evolve with you, while others go in a different direction. And that’s not in our control. If you feel that certain friendships may have run their course and you’re unsure if it’s possible to…
Hero Worship: The Problem with Putting People on Pedestals
Hero worship is “a feeling of extreme admiration for someone, imagining that they have qualities or abilities that are better than anyone else’s.” We tend to elevate people to this level because they are brilliant, beautiful, glamorous, or have a quality or talent that we value deeply. Hero worship can negatively impact all aspects of…
Right Person, Wrong Time: Why Timing is Everything in Relationship Commitments
It’s a common belief that timing is everything when it comes to relationship commitments. Besides compatibility and attraction, someone must enter our lives at the right time for it to go somewhere. If you meet the right person at the wrong time, these perspectives and practices will help you make peace with the missed opportunity….
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries: How to Tell the Difference in Relationships
Boundaries protect us from harmful people and energies. They ensure we have enough personal space to engage in activities that nurture us. However, defining and communicating them to others is up to us. Boundary-setting is a skill set we can develop to enhance our relationships – these seven steps and knowing the differences between healthy…
The Different Types of Attraction and How to Recognize Each One
We often associate the word attraction with someone’s physical appeal, but there’s far more to attraction than meets the eye. While all of us experience attraction, it can be tricky to understand. Just like there’s no single way to love, there is no single way to be attracted to someone. Knowing the different types of…
Birth Order and Relationships: Understanding the Connection and How to Use it
As an adult, you probably don’t think much about your birth order and relationships affected by it as it does not impact your everyday life. But whether you’re a firstborn, middle child, last-born, or an only child, it does play a significant role in making you who you are today. Birth order shows general tendencies…
Dating Out Of Your League: What it Means (and what it should mean)
When we say someone is “out of your league,” we’re referring to how attractive someone is. But it can also be a combination of wealth, social status, and looks, or simply your belief that they are better than you in some way. As shallow as the idea of “leagues” are, the truth is that we…
Do Opposites Attract? The Truth About Being With Someone Different From You.
“Opposites attract” is a popular adage that compares two people to magnets who are attracted to their polar opposites. Many relationship experts call the idea of “opposites attract” a myth, while others support it. However, determining compatibility is nuanced, and personality is organic. Knowing which factors to look for will help you decide whether being…