People often confuse intelligence and wisdom. While intelligence can open doors for us in life, it cannot bring the peace, balance and sense of morality that comes from having wisdom. Learning the four key differences between intelligence and wisdom will make it easier for you to figure out the exact steps you need to take…
5 Reasons Why Failing Does Not Make You a Failure
Failing can take a heavy toll on our self-esteem. Not achieving our desired outcome can make us feel like we’re not good enough, and give up on our dreams. If we can detach from our failures, and not see them as a reflection as our capabilities but as clues that can help us improve, we…
4 Planning Strategies to Succeed in the New Year
Every New Year brings with it fresh energy and another chance to get things right in our life. It’s also the best time to inspire ourselves with resolutions that can help us succeed in the new year. Learn some ancient and tribal rituals that our ancestors used to mark the occasion and how we can…
Why the Truth Will Always Set You Free
Sometimes the reality of our life can get unpleasant and we feel tempted to ignore or deny it. This can lead to all kinds of problems, big and small. The only way to get ahead in life is to face reality head on and take action on what we know. The truth will always set…
4 Essential Things to Consider When Creating a Life Plan
Every success-minded person has a plan. They know that it’s vital to turning their dreams into reality. It helps them plan for the future and manage their resources for the upcoming phases. When it comes to creating a life plan there are important factors to consider. Learn the four most important ones to keep in…
5 Things You Should Not Compromise On
Compromise is a part of life. It’s what helps us get along with others and deal with situations where we don’t get the exact outcome that we want. But there some things that should not be compromise on. This post covers on those values and ideals that you should hold on to no matter what….
5 Differences between Being Busy and Being Productive
Many people believe that being busy means that they are being productive. Yet, this is far from the truth. Productivity requires a certain skillset and a strong ability to manage time and resources, which busy people don’t always have. Learn the key differences between being busy and being productive and how you can increase your…
Not Seeing Results? Here Are 4 Ways to Stay Motivated
Over the course of our life, we may find ourselves having to wait to see the results from our hard work. During that time, it’s easy to lose faith and give up. However, that waiting game is part of the process of reaching success. The key is stay motivated with the right mindset and strategies….
How Being Childlike Makes Growing Up Easier
As children, we saw the world through the lens of joy, openness and curiosity. Sadly, many of us tend to lose this perspective as we grow up and face the challenges of adult life. The good news is that we can recapture the glory of our childhood by cultivating these five traits in us. (Estimated…
Why Complaining Is Bad and Blocks Your Abundance
Complaining is a reactive response that occurs when we’re unaware of the thoughts that are dominating our mind. If we can be conscious of this impulse, we’ll be in a stronger position to shift it. Find out how complaining and blocks your abundance and what you could keep this tendency in check. (Estimated reading time:…