Our society tends to give more importance to those those who posses material symbols of power. But to be truly happy and to make a difference in the lives of others, we have to develop depth and substance. Learn how to build character with these five steps. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Character is unfakeable…
6 Psychological Blind Spots You Should Be Aware Of
Psychological blind spots can lead to poor decision-making and may even cause us to make serious mistakes. Avoid these mental traps by learning the six psychological blind spots that skew our reality. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that – thoughts.” — Allan Lokos The human brain is…
Increase Your Self-Awareness With These 5 Creative Steps
Self-awareness is the foundation for confidence. It also makes it easier for you to recognize choices that bring you the most joy and purpose. Learn five unconventional ways to increase your self-awareness. (Estimated reading time: 4 minutes) “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” — Socrates I’ve always considered myself to be highly self-aware….
Experience Wonder: How Awe Can Change Your Life For The Better
Living life with a sense of wonder adds more depth and vibrancy into our daily lives. We can recapture our child-like sense of awe by removing our skepticism and developing rituals that boost our imagination. Learn five ways to experience wonder and bring more magic into your world. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “He who…
How to Turn Regret into Inspiration
Regret is a wasted emotion because there is nothing we can do to change the past. When we turn our regret into inspiration and lessons, we can become wiser and stronger. Learn how you can make this shift by changing your story and be healing your emotions. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “No regrets. Just…
The Role of Luck in Success
The role of luck in our success in undeniable. However, it seems elusive and out of reach. It may seem to only touch the lives of the privileged and something that’s out of our hands. Even though there is an element of chance in life, we have the power to increase and maximize our opportunities…
5 Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining a steady and calm awareness of our thoughts, emotions and experiences on a moment-to-moment. Having this type of focus will not only benefit your wellbeing but it will allow you to experience life at a deeper and more profound level. Use these five steps to practice mindfulness in your…
The Importance of Having Self-Control
It’s hard to resist instant gratification. We want to eat that cookie, sign up for get-rich quick schemes and skip our workouts. The good news is that self-control is a skill that can be cultivated with discipline and by developing the right habits. Following these five steps will make it easier for you to resist…
How to Become a Master at Anything
Geniuses are not born, they are made. But becoming a master takes focus, dedication and discipline. You have everything in you to become an expert. Apply these five practices from the masters and you’ll get there. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Contrary to popular wisdom, knowledge is not power – it’s potential power. Knowledge is…
6 Important Steps to Live a Life Without Regrets
Regret is an unpleasant feeling that’s toxic to our wellbeing. Although we can’t avoid making mistake along the way, we can avoid lifelong regrets by learning from those who have more life experience and by making more conscious choices. In this way we create a life without regrets. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Your time…