Non-violence rejects the use of physical violence to achieve social and political change. Instead, it uses civil resistance as an alternative to armed struggle. The philosophy of non-violence matters now more than ever as we try to make sense of what’s happening in countries with ongoing civil unrest. It can be a beacon of hope…
Minority Groups Around the World And Their Importance
Minorities are a group of people within a community or country who differ from the main population because of their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic affiliations. Their rights are highlighted because they are in a vulnerable position compared to others. The pain felt by minority groups is palpable, and the disadvantages they face are real….
The 5 Greatest Empires in History (and what we can learn from their legacy)
The greatest empires in history are responsible for shaping our world. Historical empires are great teachers as well as cautionary tales. By learning from the past, we can learn leadership and resource management skills, as well as human rights lessons. These five greatest empires in history will inspire you to build your own “empires” with…
8 Famous Activists Who Changed History
Activism is all about acting to bring about social change. It establishes fairness when we sense an imbalance of power that impacts society. There are no perfect activists, and everyone can use their unique skills to contribute if they do so from a place of passion. These stories of some of the most prominent famous…
10 Fascinating Indigenous Cultures from Around the World (and why we should protect them)
Indigenous people make up 6% of the world population, are spread across 90 countries, and speak 4000 languages. They have centuries of rich heritage consisting of cultural practices and knowledge that we can learn from. These ten fascinating indigenous cultures from around the world will not only broaden your horizons but help you recognize the…
Why You Don’t Need to be in Power to Change the World
No matter how committed we are to changing the world, we can’t make progress unless we believe that we have the power to do so. You don’t need to be famous or a trailblazer to make a difference. There are many ways to contribute, no matter what profession you’re in. You’ll find inspiration in these…
What 2020 Has Taught Us About Humanity
2020 was a challenging year, but we can use the events to become more resilient as humans. On the surface, this period looks like a time of disruption and despair, when it’s really a deeper call for each and every one of us to slow down and appreciate the things we missed when we were…
How to Use Social Media to Promote Social Good
Having free reign to post and share whatever we want on the Internet requires understanding the impact our online presence has on others. When we see social media as more than just a place to self-promote, we can us our platform to promote social good and support causes that are important to us. (Estimated reading…
Why it’s Important to Talk About Privilege and How it Impacts Us
Reflecting on the privileges that you have, or don’t have, will bring a sense of gratitude and abundance. You’ll realize that you have a moral responsibility to use the advantages you benefit from, to bring about more fairness and equality in our world. Empathy will open your heart and motivate you to helps those belonging…
Why Healing Ourselves Will Heal Our Planet
What we see in the outside world is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside us. The ailing consciousness of planet Earth is a reflection of our ailing inner state. When we become more self-aware and heal the wounds and conflicts in our mind, body, and spirit, we’ll heal the planet. Learn four things…