Cultural immersion benefit us on a personal level and foster feelings of understanding and cooperation. Find out why learning about other cultures will enrich you as an individual and how you can use it for the greater good. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of…
How to Believe that You Are Good Enough
In our competitive world, it’s easy for people to doubt themselves. Our natural need for belonging can cause us to tie our worth to others opinions of us. To prevent this from happening, we need to develop a steady sense of self-worth that’s based on our core values. Keeping these five principles in mind will…
5 Reasons Why Failing Does Not Make You a Failure
Failing can take a heavy toll on our self-esteem. Not achieving our desired outcome can make us feel like we’re not good enough, and give up on our dreams. If we can detach from our failures, and not see them as a reflection as our capabilities but as clues that can help us improve, we…
Why the Truth Will Always Set You Free
Sometimes the reality of our life can get unpleasant and we feel tempted to ignore or deny it. This can lead to all kinds of problems, big and small. The only way to get ahead in life is to face reality head on and take action on what we know. The truth will always set…
How to Stay Hopeful When The News is Depressing
Most media coverage tend to accentuate the negative and profit from covering sensational stories. When we passively consume such stories we may feel like we live in a cruel and unjust world. We can avoid feeling disheartened by being mindful of the media we expose ourselves to. Take these steps to maintain a balanced perspective…
The Subtle Art of Healthy Detachment
When we’re overly attached to an outcome we not only feel more anxious but we lessen our chances of manifesting it in our lives. Being in a state of healthy detachment is a subtle art that you can master with practice. If you’re someone who has a hard time letting go, use these four techniques…
5 Things You Should Not Compromise On
Compromise is a part of life. It’s what helps us get along with others and deal with situations where we don’t get the exact outcome that we want. But there some things that should not be compromise on. This post covers on those values and ideals that you should hold on to no matter what….
How to Be Giving Without Sacrificing Your Needs
As a culture, we’re taught that giving is a virtue that we must cultivate. This makes sense given that we are social creatures who depend on each other for love and sustenance. However, it’s important to know where to draw the line. Keep an eye out for these four signs that you’re overgiving and what…
Not Seeing Results? Here Are 4 Ways to Stay Motivated
Over the course of our life, we may find ourselves having to wait to see the results from our hard work. During that time, it’s easy to lose faith and give up. However, that waiting game is part of the process of reaching success. The key is stay motivated with the right mindset and strategies….
Why Complaining Is Bad and Blocks Your Abundance
Complaining is a reactive response that occurs when we’re unaware of the thoughts that are dominating our mind. If we can be conscious of this impulse, we’ll be in a stronger position to shift it. Find out how complaining and blocks your abundance and what you could keep this tendency in check. (Estimated reading time:…