The Law of Least Effort is an age-old philosophy. It states that there’s a flow to everything in life. If we practice the Law of Least Effort, we can achieve things without too much effort or undue stress. Struggling against it causes struggle and pain. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Nature does not hurry, yet…
Change Your Mindset From Negative to Positive With Daily Affirmations
What do you do to get ready in the morning? Are you someone who jumps out of bed at the last minute and rushes around to get ready? Starting your day with a morning routine allows you to set the tone for your day by investing in your mindset. Otherwise, your mood can get hi-jacked…
Fake Confidence: 5 Telltale Signs A Person is Not Genuinely Confident
Confidence is attractive and it’s a quality we all strive for. But the real kind does not require faking it. Those who have it are convinced of their worth while those who don’t depend on others admiration and praise to feel good about themselves. These five telltale signs of fake confidence will show you what’s…
Hate Not Knowing? Here’s How to Deal with Uncertainty
As humans, we avoid ambiguity at all costs. Not having control on outcomes can cause us to feel uncomfortable and helpless. But not knowing about what’s in store for us is something we’ll face throughout our life and learning how to deal with these periods is crucial to our success and wellbeing. No matter how…
5 Signs You’re Giving Away Your Power in Relationships
There is a power dynamic in every relationship. That underlying dynamic dictates who has the power and who doesn’t. Your intuition is the best guide when it comes to evaluating power sources. Find out if there’s an imbalance in yours by looking for these five signs that you’re giving away your power. (Estimated reading time:…
6 Types of Toxic People Who Drain Your Energy
We all have to deal with toxic people in our lives. They can’t be entirely avoided, whether they be a boss, parent, or coworker we can’t stand to collaborate with. While nothing is ever ideal and some degree of compromise is needed, we need to be clear about how much we’re willing to put up…
The Keys to Handling Criticism Well
No one likes being criticized, but learning how to accept criticism is an important skill. Having a toolbox of techniques and coping mechanisms can help us return to balance when we feel triggered and makes it easier to figure out when feedback is useful for us. Learn four steps to handling criticism well. (Estimated reading…
How to Change Your Attitude When You Can’t Change Anything Else
A simple shift in attitude can change how you experience life, but this can be hard to do when your circumstances are challenging. The good news is that you have more power than ever to shape both your mental and physical realities through your thoughts. Learn four effective ways to help you change your attitude…
How to Manage Your Fear of the Future
Having a fear of the future has become common in our fast-changing society. Learning how to manage it is crucial to our wellbeing and success. Using these four techniques will hep you overcome any worry and doubt you have about what lies ahead of you. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Don’t shortchange the future because…
5 Limiting Beliefs That Are Blocking Your Abundance
A belief is a feeling that we have about what something means or signifies. Our beliefs are the roadmap we consult when making choices in virtually every aspect of our lives. Some of them are healthy and serve our growth, while others limit us and cause us to miss out on opportunities. Find out if…