Overthinking disrupts our mind, body and spirit. Many people find it hard to avoid because of all the demands on them and the stress that they face in everyday life. Regaining inner peace comes down to self-management and developing a healthy lifestyle. Use these six ideas to help you stop overthinking. (Estimated reading time: 6…
How to Embrace Globalization without Losing Your Identity
Embracing globalization is needed now more than ever so that we can work together to improve the human condition and our planet. If you consider yourself to be a patriot of your country, know that you can embrace globalization without letting go of your national identity. This post will show you how to do it…
5 Signs That You’re On the Best Path For You
Being on the best path for you means that you’re following a trajectory where you’re realizing your strengths and becoming the person you want to be. It’s not always easy recognizing whether or not you’re on it. If you find yourself questioning your direction look for these five signs that indicate that you’re on your…
What Judging Others Reveals About You
We’re all prone to judging others. What matters isn’t whether or not we size people up, but if we act on those judgements. If you’ve ever wondered what judging others reveals about you, this post provides four key insights and how you can use them to improve yourself. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “Before pointing…
The Difference Between Giving Up and Surrendering
People often get confused about the difference between giving up and surrendering. Both acts involve letting go of something or someone but they come from a different emotional and spiritual places within us. One liberates ,the other enslaves. You can make the distinction by knowing the key differences between the two. (Estimated reading time: 6…
How to Find Balance When You’re Emotionally Triggered
Knowing how to manage your triggers when others displease you is essential to maintaining your balance. It prevents you from ruining relationships and doing things you might regret later. Learn ways to stay centered whenever you find yourself emotionally triggered. (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) “Emotions flow in and out, they don’t define us.” —…
How to Choose What Causes to Support
There are lots of causes out there that we can contribute to. By finding out what’s most important to you and what you can realistically make time for you can narrow down your options. Learn how to find what causes you could support with these four steps. (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes) “Our prime purpose…
4 Important Things I’ve Learned from Making Unconventional Choices
Making unconventional choices isn’t easy, especially if we’re concerned about what others think. But we can break free from this by choosing what feels right for us. Learn the liberating effect of making unconventional choices that are rooted in self-awareness and positive intentions. (Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes) “It takes courage to grow up and…
The Art of Balancing Your Wants and Needs
Learning the art of balancing your wants and needs leads to a life of satisfaction and abundance. This post provides five simple steps on how to differentiate between what you want and what you really need in your life to feel safe, healthy and nurtured. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “You can’t always get what…
A Desire to Feel Important: How to Avoid Being Addicted to it
In our culture ruled by popularity and fame, a desire to feel important is something a lot of people feel at some point in their life. We can get over this need by addressing what’s causing us to crave attention and taking care of our deeper needs. (Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes) “Truly great people…