High-level thinking is not something we’re born with. It’s an ability we cultivate. Elevating our thoughts can generate epiphanies, creations, and perspectives that positively influence the world. We must be intrinsically motivated and go beyond superficial thinking to engage all these faculties. These ten steps to increase high-level thinking will help you upgrade your thoughts….
Hero Worship: The Problem with Putting People on Pedestals
Hero worship is “a feeling of extreme admiration for someone, imagining that they have qualities or abilities that are better than anyone else’s.” We tend to elevate people to this level because they are brilliant, beautiful, glamorous, or have a quality or talent that we value deeply. Hero worship can negatively impact all aspects of…
The Power of Intention: Why Having Good Intentions Matter
When someone says, “I intend to…” we assume that they mean they have a plan or aim that they have decided to move ahead with. There is a sense of deliberateness and settled determination in what they want to do. Yet not everyone sets good intentions aligned with what they truly desire. For our intentions…
How Making Emotional Decisions Impact Our Outcomes (and how to do it right)
When faced with big decisions, some prefer to make a detailed list of pros and cons, while others check in with their feelings and prefer making emotional decisions. But there’s another aspect we fail to consider: how we process what we know. Decision-making is conventionally believed to be a logic-driven process. However, emotions drive most…
Leadership Styles: How to Find Yours and What it Says About You
Leadership styles speak to a leader’s behavior and methods when managing, directing, and motivating others. Knowing your leadership style can increase your awareness of how you might come across to the people who follow you and how you make decisions. If you’re curious to know your leadership style, you may identify with one of the…
Attention to Detail: How it Turns Us From Good to Great
Most people overlook attention to detail because it’s not always fun – it requires hard work and fully applying ourselves to a task. Others believe that the excess information provided by paying attention to detail often goes unnoticed. But to be truly exceptional, we must devote ourselves to the quality of our work because people…
How to Find Balance Between Being Content with Striving for More in Your Life
When you think about your work, finances, social life, relationships, or the number on a weighing scale, where do you have to be to feel content in each area? You may have noticed that being content has a short shelf-life. It’s not easy to hold onto that emotion unless we intervene with deliberate thoughts about…
The Goldilocks Principle: How to Use it to Achieve Peak Performance
The Goldilocks principle is named as an analogy of “The Three Bears” and states that something must fall within certain margins and stay away from extremes for it to be “just right.” It speaks to the idea that we feel satisfied and at ease when things are balanced, not in excess or lack. The Goldilocks…
When Imitation is the Best Form of Flattery (and when it’s not)
We’ve all heard that imitation is the best form of flattery. When someone copies your social media posts or outfits, they like what they see. If they’re imitating you, they are indirectly praising you. But at what point does imitation become too much? How much copying is acceptable and falls within the realm of fair…
Contingency Plans: Why You Need One to Make Room for the Unexpected
A contingency plan is a prepared set of actions you can take if something unexpected happens. Think of it as a plan for a “what if” scenario for turbulent live events, like a shift in your finances or health. Most people go through life without a plan B, without seeing the need for planning for…