Every day, you make several decisions, big and small, that impact your life and the lives of others, even if you don’t realize what you give up by choosing one option over the other. These missed benefits are what economists call the opportunity costs of your decisions. Whenever you say “yes” to an option, you…
6 Reasons Why You Should Choose Quality Over Quantity
We’ve all heard the age-old advice, “You should choose quality over quantity.” It states that value is more important than volume. In our culture of excess, this can be challenging advice to follow. In our quest for perfection, we risk focusing too much on the chase for more – more money, status, material objects, and…
Why We Make Bad Decisions and How to Avoid Them
Research reveals that adults make an average of 122 informed decisions every day. Most of them are inconsequential, but many of our decisions have severe and far-reaching consequences, which require a robust decision-making skill set. A significant part involves not making bad decisions. Learn eight causes behind why we make bad decisions and how to…
Why Spending Time Alone Makes You a Better Friend and Partner
Many people find being alone hard to endure, especially for extended periods. It can make people feel lonely and unloved. But there are many benefits from spending time alone when done in moderation and with intention. With these tips, you’ll learn how to schedule enough alone time to regroup and replenish so that you can…
Attention to Detail: How it Turns Us From Good to Great
Most people overlook attention to detail because it’s not always fun – it requires hard work and fully applying ourselves to a task. Others believe that the excess information provided by paying attention to detail often goes unnoticed. But to be truly exceptional, we must devote ourselves to the quality of our work because people…
The Goldilocks Principle: How to Use it to Achieve Peak Performance
The Goldilocks principle is named as an analogy of “The Three Bears” and states that something must fall within certain margins and stay away from extremes for it to be “just right.” It speaks to the idea that we feel satisfied and at ease when things are balanced, not in excess or lack. The Goldilocks…
Contingency Plans: Why You Need One to Make Room for the Unexpected
A contingency plan is a prepared set of actions you can take if something unexpected happens. Think of it as a plan for a “what if” scenario for turbulent live events, like a shift in your finances or health. Most people go through life without a plan B, without seeing the need for planning for…
Fresh Start Effect: How to Use it Gain Momentum in the New Year
Making a “fresh start” isn’t just a figure of speech; it’s a psychological concept. It refers to the uplifting impact of specific calendar dates representing a new beginning. We perceive particular days with opportune times to metaphorically hit life’s reset button, revisit our goals, or create new ones. However, life resets are not always successful…
How to Cope with Decision Fatigue and Make Smarter Choices
From the moment we wake up, we must deal with a continuous stream of choices. Some are minor, like what to make for breakfast, while others are more difficult, like choosing where to live. Without the right mindset and attitude, the avalanche of decisions we make each day can be overwhelming. The term used to…
Chronos vs Kairos: Two Models of Time to Live More Fully
Time is constant, but how we perceive it varies. That’s why an hour spent watching our favorite Netflix show feels different from an hour stuck in traffic. To differentiate experiences of time, ancient Greeks had two words for it — Chronos and Kairos. By understanding the differences between Chronos vs Kairos, you can alter your…