Every day, you make several decisions, big and small, that impact your life and the lives of others, even if you don’t realize what you give up by choosing one option over the other. These missed benefits are what economists call the opportunity costs of your decisions. Whenever you say “yes” to an option, you…
6 Reasons Why You Should Choose Quality Over Quantity
We’ve all heard the age-old advice, “You should choose quality over quantity.” It states that value is more important than volume. In our culture of excess, this can be challenging advice to follow. In our quest for perfection, we risk focusing too much on the chase for more – more money, status, material objects, and…
Leadership Styles: How to Find Yours and What it Says About You
Leadership styles speak to a leader’s behavior and methods when managing, directing, and motivating others. Knowing your leadership style can increase your awareness of how you might come across to the people who follow you and how you make decisions. If you’re curious to know your leadership style, you may identify with one of the…
Ikigai: What is it and How it Can Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life
Finding purpose in life is something most of us want. But asking about your purpose can seem like too lofty an aspiration. Fortunately, there are models we can use to unravel our unique purposes, one of them being Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese word that represents the passions, talents, and professions that give meaning and…
Can You Find Your True Self? The 7 Layers of Identity Can Help.
Your true self is what makes you who you are. There are parts of you that have a sense of “rightness” to them, however, finding your true self is not straightforward. It’s a layered process with many stages of realization. The seven layers of identity are one of many systems you can use to find…
Uncertain About the Future? Create a Vision for Your Life and Gain Clarity
Most people look at their future with some degree of optimism and excitement. Yet, some experience uncertainty and angst as they look down a path that’s hazy and uncertain. An effective way to overcome this angst is by clarifying what you want from your life. By creating a vision for your life, you seize your…
What is the Difference Between Fate and Destiny? (and how both impact you.)
Fate or destiny – whatever you call it, is the idea that life is determined by powers beyond our control and has existed for centuries. It’s seen in the mythologies, stories, and religious beliefs of every culture in the world. But there are a few significant distinctions between fate and destiny. Knowing the difference will…
The Different Types of Success: How to Focus on The Right One’s
In looking at your life, can you unequivocally say that pursuing your goals makes you happy? If not, it’s time to redefine what success means to you. Success lies in the process of creation and discovery, not in the potential side-effects of money or praise. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to climb the proverbial ladder…
The Truth About Finding Your Purpose in Life
Your purpose is the reason you wake up in the morning feeling eager to start the day. However, most people move through life not quite knowing what they’re here for. Instead of digging deep, they follow the social scripts for success, like going to a good school, getting a well-paying job, and starting a family….
Sacred Sites: 10 Spiritual Locations Around the World That Will Elevate You
Traveling to a sacred site is different from a vacation where people travel for fun or relaxation. A journey to a spiritual location is a holy quest where seekers search for meaning, truth, and purpose. Those who visit these sacred sites report a shared experience of connection to something greater than themselves. You don’t have…