Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles. It instills a person with an inner force to make scary choices and defy seemingly impossible odds. In a world that often craves comfort and conformity, it’s the courageous people who stand out and make a lasting impact. The good news is that courage lies…
Competition With Yourself vs. Others: How to Find the Right Balance
Competition exists in most areas of life. You’ll encounter it in any situation with limited opportunities, whether in money, career, education, prestige, or relationships. But can the drive to outperform others harm our growth and impact? Some people believe that we should strive to compete with ourselves more than we do with others. However, we…
7 Types of Insecurities Holding You Back (and what you can do about it)
Everyone has personal insecurities they must cope with every day. While we all feel unsure of ourselves sometimes, an overly insecure person suffers more and considerably limits their growth and happiness. Regardless of where we stand on the insecurity continuum, all of us can benefit from learning how to cope when we experience self-doubt. While…
Character and Reputation: Which is More Important in How Others See You?
We live in an image-oriented world. What we wear, where we work, or what car we drive can dictate our reputations. Yet, these external sources of identity have little to do with who we are on the inside – our character. While our character and reputation both impact our success, it’s important to look at…
How to Develop Your Creative Style and Voice
We’re all creatively gifted, just in different ways. You have a signature creative style, whether you’re an artist or an accountant. Having a style that is yours can be empowering and set you apart from everyone else. However, it does not emerge overnight and requires exploration and experimentation. These six ways will help you develop…
Victim Mentality: Why Blaming Others Holds You Back
A victim mentality is when someone claims that bad things keep happening to them more than others and differs from feeling sorry for themselves right after bad things happen. A person under the influence of a victim mentality blames someone or something else for their circumstances and refuses to take control of their life. If…
Stories We Tell Ourselves: How to Rewrite Yours So It Empowers You
As humans, we’re natural storytellers. Stories help us make sense of the world and organize experiences. We also tell ourselves stories about our lives, building narratives about the past and the present while imagining how it might all unfold in the future. Whether true or false, our stories significantly impact how we feel about ourselves…
Hero Worship: The Problem with Putting People on Pedestals
Hero worship is “a feeling of extreme admiration for someone, imagining that they have qualities or abilities that are better than anyone else’s.” We tend to elevate people to this level because they are brilliant, beautiful, glamorous, or have a quality or talent that we value deeply. Hero worship can negatively impact all aspects of…
How to Find Balance Between Being Content with Striving for More in Your Life
When you think about your work, finances, social life, relationships, or the number on a weighing scale, where do you have to be to feel content in each area? You may have noticed that being content has a short shelf-life. It’s not easy to hold onto that emotion unless we intervene with deliberate thoughts about…
The Goldilocks Principle: How to Use it to Achieve Peak Performance
The Goldilocks principle is named as an analogy of “The Three Bears” and states that something must fall within certain margins and stay away from extremes for it to be “just right.” It speaks to the idea that we feel satisfied and at ease when things are balanced, not in excess or lack. The Goldilocks…