Creative pursuits, like dancing or drawing, are often seen as innate skills, leading many of us to dismiss exploring our talents. We view them as exclusive to professionals in the arts. However, creativity is not just skill-based; it’s a way of thinking. Knowing the various types of creativity and creative thinking will open the doorways…
What is Shadow Work and How it Can Help You Understand Your Demons
The shadow self houses all the negative aspects of ourselves that we have difficulty accepting. Many of us are afraid of facing darkness. Our first instinct is to suppress it and conform to societal norms, but your shadow self-craves to be seen and understood. Not coming to terms with it harms your wellbeing. Shining a…
Curious Habits of 6 Creative Geniuses from History
Each one of us is creatively gifted. Anything from trying to figure out what to cook for dinner to planning a vacation is a demonstration of your creativity. But most of us have barely scratched the surface of our potential. We can boost our creative ideas by being deliberate about our practices and lifestyle choices….
How to Harness a Flow State of Mind for Effortless Creativity
A flow state of mind is when we’re highly focused on one activity beyond the point of distraction. When we harness it, we’re productive and effortlessly creative. We use only a fraction of our potential, and flow opens the doorway for us to access our limitless capacity. However, many people find it challenging to harness…
5 Unconventional Ways to Discover Your Gifts and Talents
Each of us has special, one-of-a-kind gifts that enable us to do things that others would find hard or even impossible. Your gifts are hardwired, but it’s up to you to discover and develop them. You must believe that you’re gifted and have the courage to share those gifts with others. If you’re unsure about…
The Creative Archetypes: What They Are and How to Use Them
Creativity comes in all shapes, types, and sizes. For this reason, there are many creative archetypes; ways to classify creative personalities based on art form and creative abilities. While we all possess creative talent, we will be stronger in some areas than others. Knowing your archetype will maximize your potential and take your projects to…
8 Golden Ages in History That Inspire
A golden age is not a utopian existence but historical periods of extraordinary human achievement. There are several golden ages in history from which we can learn. In looking at the most notable ones, we can find the inspiration to nurture our inner genius and develop the right conditions for us to thrive. (Estimated reading…
How to Overcome Resistance and Unlock Your Gifts
We’re all creatively gifted, but many of us don’t express it because we doubt our abilities. Once the initial enthusiasm wears off, we face resistance in taking the first steps to see our projects through. You can overcome resistance by developing a positive mindset and improving your work habits. Learn how to unlock your gifts…
Productivity Boost: 7 Types of Breaks That Increase Productivity
Getting proper rest is not just about getting enough sleep and vacation time. As multi-faceted beings, we have different needs that must be met to function at peak state. Knowing the seven types of breaks that boost productivity, and making time for ourselves, leads to a life of balance and success. (Estimated reading time: 6-7…
3 Types of Thinking to Boost Your Brain Power
Truly original ideas happen when we develop our ability to think about a subject in lots of different ways and combine them in ways that no one has before. Like any skill, effective thinking takes practice. The first step is understanding these types of thinking. (Estimated reading time: 4-5 minutes) “Your mind is your greatest…