The Law of Least Effort is an age-old philosophy. It states that there’s a flow to everything in life. If we practice the Law of Least Effort, we can achieve things without too much effort or undue stress. Struggling against it causes struggle and pain. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Nature does not hurry, yet…
Why You Don’t Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
To stick to your New Year’s resolutions, you must find ways to become emotionally invested. Create practices, rituals, and structure to help you reach your goals. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” — Jim Rohn When the clock…
What 2020 Has Taught Us About Humanity
2020 was a challenging year, but we can use the events to become more resilient as humans. On the surface, this period looks like a time of disruption and despair, when it’s really a deeper call for each and every one of us to slow down and appreciate the things we missed when we were…
How to Find a Niche You Thrive in
Finding your niche is finding your sweet spot; a place where your interests and market needs overlap. It is where you shine and where you have an audience who appreciate your personality and talents. The key to success in today’s marketplace and career satisfaction is niching. Learn four steps you can take to find a…
The Truth About the Twin Flame Journey
The twin flame journey is one of finding your kindred spirit – a partner with whom you share unconditional love and who awakens your true potential with that love. Learn how to make make the twin flame journey work in your favor by seeing it for what it truly is and isn’t, and knowing how…
Change Your Mindset From Negative to Positive With Daily Affirmations
What do you do to get ready in the morning? Are you someone who jumps out of bed at the last minute and rushes around to get ready? Starting your day with a morning routine allows you to set the tone for your day by investing in your mindset. Otherwise, your mood can get hi-jacked…
5 Signs a Sacrifice is Worth Making
Sometimes we have to make sacrifices to attain our dreams. Finding the right give/take ratio begins with us. There is no right or wrong way—it’s personally determined. Each person has a different comfort level when it comes to how much they’re willing to sacrifice. Learn five signs that a sacrifice is worth making in your…
How to Use Social Media to Promote Social Good
Having free reign to post and share whatever we want on the Internet requires understanding the impact our online presence has on others. When we see social media as more than just a place to self-promote, we can us our platform to promote social good and support causes that are important to us. (Estimated reading…
How to Boost Creativity By Using Your Senses
Life is a multisensory and multi-dimensional experience. Tapping into your senses creates an enriching reality. You can realize a higher creative self by reconnecting with your senses. Access your instinctive intelligence on how to boost creativity with these ideas. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “A work of art is a world in itself reflecting senses…
4 Old-Fashioned Courtship Rituals We Should Bring Back
The marketplace mentality of the dating world has made people feel more like commodities than people. As a culture, we’re guided by the instant gratification of getting the pick of a glut of love options available at our fingertips. You can bring tenderness, respect and authenticity back to the dating process with these four old-fashioned…