A victim mentality is when someone claims that bad things keep happening to them more than others and differs from feeling sorry for themselves right after bad things happen. A person under the influence of a victim mentality blames someone or something else for their circumstances and refuses to take control of their life. If…
Stories We Tell Ourselves: How to Rewrite Yours So It Empowers You
As humans, we’re natural storytellers. Stories help us make sense of the world and organize experiences. We also tell ourselves stories about our lives, building narratives about the past and the present while imagining how it might all unfold in the future. Whether true or false, our stories significantly impact how we feel about ourselves…
Cultural Appropriation vs Appreciation: Why Knowing the Difference Matters
Cultural appropriation or misappropriation happens when a person from one culture adopts something from a cultural group that is not theirs. This contrasts with cultural appreciation, when they respect the symbolism and artifacts of the original culture. You can avoid mixing up the two by learning the difference between cultural appropriation vs appreciation and what…
How To Increase High-Level Thinking and Boost Innovation
High-level thinking is not something we’re born with. It’s an ability we cultivate. Elevating our thoughts can generate epiphanies, creations, and perspectives that positively influence the world. We must be intrinsically motivated and go beyond superficial thinking to engage all these faculties. These ten steps to increase high-level thinking will help you upgrade your thoughts….
5 Signs You’re Outgrowing a Friendship (and why it’s okay)
The bond that we share with friends is a special one. But unfortunately, not all of them last forever. Some friends evolve with you, while others go in a different direction. And that’s not in our control. If you feel that certain friendships may have run their course and you’re unsure if it’s possible to…
Hero Worship: The Problem with Putting People on Pedestals
Hero worship is “a feeling of extreme admiration for someone, imagining that they have qualities or abilities that are better than anyone else’s.” We tend to elevate people to this level because they are brilliant, beautiful, glamorous, or have a quality or talent that we value deeply. Hero worship can negatively impact all aspects of…
The Power of Intention: Why Having Good Intentions Matter
When someone says, “I intend to…” we assume that they mean they have a plan or aim that they have decided to move ahead with. There is a sense of deliberateness and settled determination in what they want to do. Yet not everyone sets good intentions aligned with what they truly desire. For our intentions…
Dark Dictators in History and What We Can Learn From Their Downfall
A dictatorship is an authoritarian government in which one person holds all (or nearly all) of the ruling power. They are known for being dangerous and malevolent – usually run by an evil, mean-spirited sociopath. Many ruthless dark dictators in history have displayed a propensity for brutality and violence. Learn about the most notorious ones…
How Making Emotional Decisions Impact Our Outcomes (and how to do it right)
When faced with big decisions, some prefer to make a detailed list of pros and cons, while others check in with their feelings and prefer making emotional decisions. But there’s another aspect we fail to consider: how we process what we know. Decision-making is conventionally believed to be a logic-driven process. However, emotions drive most…
Right Person, Wrong Time: Why Timing is Everything in Relationship Commitments
It’s a common belief that timing is everything when it comes to relationship commitments. Besides compatibility and attraction, someone must enter our lives at the right time for it to go somewhere. If you meet the right person at the wrong time, these perspectives and practices will help you make peace with the missed opportunity….