Creativity comes in all shapes, types, and sizes. For this reason, there are many creative archetypes; ways to classify creative personalities based on art form and creative abilities. While we all possess creative talent, we will be stronger in some areas than others. Knowing your archetype will maximize your potential and take your projects to…
Why Living with Dignity Matters (and How to Show it)
Dignity is hard to define, but you know it when you see it – someone with dignity carries themselves well. Not only does dignity show in their body language, but also manifests in their instinctive ability to handle whatever life throws at them with calm and class. This makes them well respected by others. Find…
How to Master the Art of Time Management
Time is a finite resource that we can never get back. That’s why it’s important to spend it well and not squander it. You can master the art of time management by changing your perception of time and by learning how to plan your days. These techniques and ideas will take your time management skills…
It’s Never Too Late To Start Over. Here’s Why.
The idea of starting over in life is a scary prospect. Letting go of our old ways is uncomfortable, but if you have no other choice than to reboot, the only way forward is through. You must let go of your excuses and gather the courage to step into the unknown. By taking these steps,…
How to Create the Ideal Schedule Using Your Circadian Rhythms
We all have a well-defined internal clock that’s commonly referred to as circadian rhythms. This clock regulates important body processes and determines how our energy flows throughout the day. By working with your body’s cycles, you can understand your natural peaks and valleys and harness your energy to pack more into your day. These three…
Approval-Seeking Behaviors That Diminish Your Self-Esteem
The need to please is common in our culture. While there’s nothing wrong with being nice and helping people, it can be overdone when we feel the need to edit ourselves and compromise on what’s important to us. The key to finding balance is identifying when you’re valuing the opinions of others far more than…
Life Lessons from History’s Great Explorers
The instinct to explore is within us all. It’s been the driving force behind human progress throughout history. The value of venturing into the unknown goes beyond new discoveries and achieving a target – it’s about the wisdom that we gain along the way. We can develop a pioneering mindset by looking at past explorers….
5 Ways to Manage Your Energy Better
Knowing how to maintain your energy is essential if you want to get more done and have a richer life experience. You can do this by learning to manage your energy better and becoming aware of how your body functions with its energetic ebbs and flows. Learn how to make positive shifts in your lifestyle…
How to Boost Serendipity For Success
Serendipity is when you stumble on a lucky opportunity when you least expect it. It’s played a key role in the success of people in various fields like science and business. But we don’t have to wait around for lucky breaks. We can be intentional in making space for serendipity and use it as a…
The Right Way to Be Competitive
In the game of life, we’re all competitors. At any given time, there will always be someone who wants the same thing we want. But this should not discourage us. We can use the dynamism of competition to inspire us to take action and reach our goals. When we play fair, we stand to win…