A golden age is not a utopian existence but historical periods of extraordinary human achievement. There are several golden ages in history from which we can learn. In looking at the most notable ones, we can find the inspiration to nurture our inner genius and develop the right conditions for us to thrive. (Estimated reading…
How to Overcome Resistance and Unlock Your Gifts
We’re all creatively gifted, but many of us don’t express it because we doubt our abilities. Once the initial enthusiasm wears off, we face resistance in taking the first steps to see our projects through. You can overcome resistance by developing a positive mindset and improving your work habits. Learn how to unlock your gifts…
Know Your Worth Even If Others Don’t. Here’s How.
Knowing your worth is a key determinant of the level of success that you experience and your mental wellbeing. But, we’re all prone to self-doubt. We tend to base our worth on external accomplishments and other people’s opinions. You can know your worth by developing a healthy self-concept, setting the right priorities, and working on…
Productivity Boost: 7 Types of Breaks That Increase Productivity
Getting proper rest is not just about getting enough sleep and vacation time. As multi-faceted beings, we have different needs that must be met to function at peak state. Knowing the seven types of breaks that boost productivity, and making time for ourselves, leads to a life of balance and success. (Estimated reading time: 6-7…
The Truth about Being a Resilient Person
Being a resilient person is essential to our growth and mental wellbeing, but resilience is not for the faint of heart. The challenges we face demand a lot from us. Having a realistic outlook will prepare us for what’s to come and make us more capable of handling the unknown. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes)…
3 Types of Thinking to Boost Your Brain Power
Truly original ideas happen when we develop our ability to think about a subject in lots of different ways and combine them in ways that no one has before. Like any skill, effective thinking takes practice. The first step is understanding these types of thinking. (Estimated reading time: 4-5 minutes) “Your mind is your greatest…
How to Practice the Law of Least Effort and Accomplish More
The Law of Least Effort is an age-old philosophy. It states that there’s a flow to everything in life. If we practice the Law of Least Effort, we can achieve things without too much effort or undue stress. Struggling against it causes struggle and pain. (Estimated reading time: 5 minutes) “Nature does not hurry, yet…
Why You Don’t Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions
To stick to your New Year’s resolutions, you must find ways to become emotionally invested. Create practices, rituals, and structure to help you reach your goals. (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes) “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” — Jim Rohn When the clock…
How to Find a Niche You Thrive in
Finding your niche is finding your sweet spot; a place where your interests and market needs overlap. It is where you shine and where you have an audience who appreciate your personality and talents. The key to success in today’s marketplace and career satisfaction is niching. Learn four steps you can take to find a…
Change Your Mindset From Negative to Positive With Daily Affirmations
What do you do to get ready in the morning? Are you someone who jumps out of bed at the last minute and rushes around to get ready? Starting your day with a morning routine allows you to set the tone for your day by investing in your mindset. Otherwise, your mood can get hi-jacked…