A dictatorship is an authoritarian government in which one person holds all (or nearly all) of the ruling power. They are known for being dangerous and malevolent – usually run by an evil, mean-spirited sociopath. Many ruthless dark dictators in history have displayed a propensity for brutality and violence. Learn about the most notorious ones…
Why Representation Matters When it’s Done Right
“Representation Matters” is a slogan that speaks to the importance of portraying minority communities on national and global platforms in genuine and positive ways. Every person experiences the world differently – that’s why everyone deserves to feel visible and have their reality, values, and perspective affirmed. However, representation is not always done right. Find out…
Forms of Government: How Being Ruled in Different Ways Shapes Us
Governments are central bodies that monitor, regulate, and provide needed services to protect and meet the needs of their citizens. In an ever-changing world, people are looking for a sense of stability and security in their government. Most people in modern nations believe they can get that in democracies. Yet, there are several forms of…
8 Great Female Leaders in History and How They Inspire Us
While the number of female leaders around the globe has grown, they’re still in the minority. Young women looking to make their mark, as well as experienced women, are looking for role models. Get inspired by these eight female leaders in history who proved their effectiveness in creating positive transformation for their countries and the…
Linguistic Discrimination: How it Influences Our View On Others
With over 7000 languages worldwide, languages are a hallmark of cultural diversity. Even in English-speaking countries, people speak with linguistic variances and fluency. Yet, many people don’t appreciate this diversity and discriminate against those who don’t sound “normal” to them. Linguistic racism is a term used to describe racism perpetuated against others based on their…
Monotheism and Polytheism: What Are the Differences (and How to Respect Them)?
There is a smorgasbord of religions around the world. Each faith tradition captures our culture, history, and practices that get passed down through generations. If all religions are correctly understood, we’ll see that they are simply different windows we use for looking at higher realms of living and being. By learning about the differences between…
5 Prominent Leaders in the Non-Violence Movement and Their Impact
Non-violence rejects the use of physical violence to achieve social and political change. Instead, it uses civil resistance as an alternative to armed struggle. The philosophy of non-violence matters now more than ever as we try to make sense of what’s happening in countries with ongoing civil unrest. It can be a beacon of hope…
History of Romance: How Courtship & Relationships Evolved Over Time
What did romantic relationships look like back in the past? People assume that love was all happy and rosy for couples back then because they followed a traditional value system, but if you look back at the history of romance, marriage, and courtship, you’ll see that was not always the case. By looking back on…
Minority Groups Around the World And Their Importance
Minorities are a group of people within a community or country who differ from the main population because of their ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic affiliations. Their rights are highlighted because they are in a vulnerable position compared to others. The pain felt by minority groups is palpable, and the disadvantages they face are real….
7 Elements of Culture and How it Shapes Our Life
Culture is the shared language in a community. The holidays celebrated, the religions practiced, the way we communicate, and the food we cook all fall under the umbrella of culture. But knowing a culture on a surface level can lead us to stereotypes and a belief that everyone in a group is alike. One way…